Extend instructions using Javascript

Tastee is based on Javascript (source written in Typescript can be found on Github).

Selenium API

Selenium Webdriver is used to control the browser and execute Tastee lines which are translated into Javascript code.

Therefore, within your instruction, you can use native javascript and part of the Selenium JS API to customize Tastee's behavior and extends your scripts.

Selenium JS API is exposed directly with :

  • driver which is build directly from the Selenium API regarding the browser name
  • By equivalent to selenium.By
  • Key equivalent to selenium.Key
  • until equivalent to selenium.until
  • Actions equivalent to selenium.ActionSequence
  • or directly selenium

More on Selenium JS API is available here

Here is an example extracted from the common BSL instruction :

Check that $name is equal to $value:
    - var element = driver.findElement(By.css($name));
    - element.getText().then(function(text) {
        assert.equal(text, $value, 'the '+ $name + ' element contains '+text);

If you think your instructions could be shared with the other Tastee users, please don't hesitate to create a new pull request in tastee-example.


Tastee-ui is build on top of Electron and therefore executed with Chromium. We made the choice to allow anyone to access Chrome Developpers tools within Tastee-ui by using F12 or CTRL + MAJ + I.

So any element you use to use to debug your Javascript Application in Chrome is available, you can then use console.log, for example, if you wish so.