Main browser instructions (or BSL)

Reusable BSL are written by the community and can be found on Github, such as :

  • Go to $url (where $url is a website address like '')
  • Click on $name (where $name is a css Selector)
  • Check that $name is equal to $value (where $name is a field or text css Selector and $value the text value like 'hello world')
  • Check that $name is not present (where $name is a field or text css Selector)
  • Fill $field field with $value (where $field is a field css Selector and $value the text value you want to type like 'hello world')
  • Empty field $field (where $field is a field css Selector)
  • Press on $key in the field $field (where $key is a key value and $field is a field css Selector)